Instructions for authors

Abstract submission will process through the conference website. Authors are invited to submit individual contributions to any of the Conference topics (no session code is required, the Topic can be selected from the drop-down menu when uploading the abstract).

To be able to submit an abstract, you have to first register with your account. If you do not have a account, please create one with the dedicated web page. 

Authors are invited to submit a one-page abstract, including references, figures, and tables, must be submitted in
a pdf-version online before the deadline. The filename of the submitted abstract must have the following pattern: 
“Lastname of first author”_BIO_META_2022.pdf. 

The abstract should include the motivation of the work to be presented at the workshop. The authors are asked to give a problem statement, the approach and method of analysis, as well as an outline of the main findings. The body of the abstract must be written in English and follow the instructions written in the abstract template files provided hereafter.

LaTeX template (.tex)

Word template (.docx)

Example of abstract (.pdf)

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