
The objective of the workshop is to gather experts in the fields of mechanical modelling, biomechanics and experimental mechanics, around the emerging topic of bio-metamaterials.

The workshop will be held in the beautiful city of Arpino (, Italy.

 Invited speakers :

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Marco Miniaci

Davide Ruffoni 

Abdul Barakat

University of Lille (France)

Mechanics of Biological and Bioinspired Materials Laboratory

University of Liège (Belgium) 

École Polytechnique (France)

Phononic crystals, Metamaterials, and bio-inspiration

Biological and bioinspired architectured materials and interfaces 

Microstrcutured surfaces for controlling cellular behavior: from understanding contact guidance to diagnosing diseases


Main topics

  • Bio-inspired materials and metamaterials
  • Architectured implants
  • Fluid-structure interactions in biomechanics
  • Homogenisation and effective properties
  • Shape, architecture and topological optimization
  • Elastic Waves
  • Generalised continua
  • Interfaces and interphases
  • Multiphase fluid dynamics applied to biomechanics
  • Additive manufacturing and mechanical testing
  • Instabilities, yield surfaces, fatigue
  • Materials with internal mechanisms, pantographs, origamis and folding strategies.
  • Mechanical modelling of complex materials and structures


Giuseppe Rosi (MSME, Paris-Est Créteil)
Nicolas Bochud (MSME, Paris-Est Créteil)
Ivan Giorgio (University of L’Aquila)
Francesco D’Annibale (University of L’Aquila)


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